Galerie/Gallery Astrid Aix

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  • 01. 02. 2002    Patchwork    new section on patchwork
  • 02. 09. 2003    Malkurse in Aachen    Malkurs
  • 12. 09. 2003    Menschen/People    new
  • 29. 09. 2004    Tiere/Animals    'Herbstritt' added
  • 17. 05. 2008    Häuser/Houses    'Bahnhof Hombourg' added
  • 28. 02. 2009    Pastell / pastel    new section on pastels
  • 25. 10. 2011    Verschiedenes / miscellaneous    Modena painting added
  • 26. 10. 2011    Landschaften/Landscapes    landscape pictures added
  • 23. 05. 2013    Ölbilder/Oil Paintings    oil paintings of Gerpinnes and the Cliffs of Dover added

  • ©   Astrid Aix, Gulpener Str. 26, 52074 Aachen    Web-Design by Harald Finster